Our stance on customer harassment

Background on Publishing our Views

LY Communications Corporation (the "Company"), together with LY Corporation ("LY"),seeks to create bountiful life platforms and contribute to society.
The Company is committed to providing high-quality services and ensuring good communication.

In order to provide high-quality services and ensure good communication, we feel that both "always thinking of users first" and "working to improve the well-being (happiness) of our employees who support the services, and that of their families" are important.

We receive many inquiries and valuable opinions every day from the users of our services. Although we have built good relationships with many of the users of services provided by the Company and LY, sometimes a very small percentage of users have been seen to use abusive language with our employees or make excessive demands of them.

We believe that while it is of course important to enhance our relationships with our precious users, protecting our employees from acts like those described above is also key for us to provide good services.
As such, we have created "The Company's View Regarding Customer Harassment" with the same sort of content as what LY has already published.

Applicable acts

In following with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's

"Customer Harassment Countermeasures Company Manual" PDF download (9.6 MB), the Company defines customer harassment as follows.

"Any claims or demands for words or actions from customers for which the means or conditions to satisfy said demands defy the conventional wisdom of society for appropriateness, and that have a negative effect on the working environment of employees."

See below for concrete examples of customer harassment. This list is not exhaustive.

Violence & Abusive Language

- coercion, threats, intimidation
- speech or writing that insults Company employees
- statements or writing that denigrate the character of Company employees
- acts of violence

Excessive or Unreasonable Demands

- demands regarding the provision of services that defy the conventional wisdom of society
- demands for refunds or compensation that go beyond what is covered in the Terms and Conditions
- excessive repetition of the same demands or inquiries
- unreasonable demands for apologies
- demands that Company employees be punished
- visiting the Company office without authorization or appointment
- face-to-face demands

Other Acts of Harassment

- invasion of Company employees' privacy
- slander on social media or the internet

Handling Customer Harassment

When the Company determines an act to be customer harassment, the offending customer may be refused access to services as well as customer support.
Additionally, if the Company determines an act to be malicious in nature, appropriate action will be taken after consultation with the police and legal counsel.

Awareness Measures for Employees

The Company takes the following measures toward awareness for our employees.

- Training is conducted to provide information and ways to handle customer harassment.
- We will build a response system to be used when customer harassment occurs.
- We will strive to prioritize the care of any employees who are victims of customer harassment.
- We will work with external specialists (occupational physicians, etc.) in order to respond properly.

We thank you for your ongoing understanding and cooperation.